Chronic inflammation – internal struggle with oneself

Chronic inflammation – internal struggle with oneself

Chronic inflammation is a very mentioned topic in connection with the development of both civilization diseases (diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc.), autoimmune diseases, pain in the musculoskeletal system and oncological diseases.

Like acute inflammation that lasts for a few days, a maximum of weeks can be life-saving. And that is why nature has equipped us with it. However, chronic inflammation, which has been marauding in the body for months and years, exhausts, destroys its own tissues and in a slow, fierce way destroys the body from within.

Acute inflammation

It aims to eliminate the enemy in tissues or cells, whether it is bacteria, viruses or a foreign body, heal injuries and then restore full health. The physiological mechanism of the inflammatory response is common to all vertebrates and, in some variations, to lower animals. The evolution of the immune system dates back evolutionarily to 65 million years ago.

Modern toxic substances, chemically modified or contaminated food, environmental pollution have been a matter of the last few decades or hundreds of years, to which in many cases even such ingenious defense mechanisms as the human immune system cannot adequately respond, chronic inflammation occurs.

The principle of acute inflammation

If any cell in the body is damaged, it releases signaling molecules – histamine and prostaglandins. These substances cause the smallest blood vessels-capillaries in the damaged area to dilate, become more permeable, so that immune cells-white blood cells can begin to travel from the blood to the affected tissue.

In addition to directly destroying infection or foreign particles, these immune cells produce other chemicals that can be compared to pheromones that attract other immune cells of another kind – phagocytes. Phagocytes act as cleaners, absorbing dead cells, remnants of bacteria, foreign particles and everything that does not belong to healthy tissue. As soon as it is cleaned, regeneration processes are started, healing occurs.

Chronic inflammation

But if the immune system does not manage to get rid of the provoking cause, it passes into chronic inflammation. Immunity no longer reacts as violently as in the case of acute inflammation, but tries to displace the opponent from the body, for example, by encapsulation, ligament stiffness, or the development of systemic inflammation, which is no longer limited to the affected area, but begins its “trench warfare” throughout the body.It is a very exhausting process and therefore it often happens that the own immune system stops distinguishing between its own and the foreign and attacks the cells of its own body from the inside. Autoimmune diseases arise, chronic damage to organ systems, up to oncological diseases. In parallel, inflammatory destruction occurs, as well as tissue repair, which, of course, is ineffective.

Symptoms of chronic inflammation can be quite nonspecific, difficulties begin to appear in different organ systems. For example, joint pain associated with digestive disorders, eczema, long-term fatigue, sleep disorders.

These manifestations do not surprise us when we realize that chronic inflammation triggers hundreds of biochemical reactions in the body, which are feedback- affect. Substances circulating through the bloodstream get throughout the body and trigger the reactions of the hormonal system, the nervous system, the processes taking place in all organs of the body.

It is also interesting that chemicals that are related to an inflammatory reaction – for example, the relatively well-known interleukin 6 also has its functions in the process of hematopoiesis, in the metabolism of bones and other areas, which are then also affected by its increased level.

How to determine chronic inflammation in the laboratory

Unlike acute inflammation, laboratory markers are less pronounced and it is necessary to take into account the overall context of the patient’s problems.

  • CRP – a protein whose value rises significantly in acute inflammation, but in chronic it can be increased only slightly, below the resolving ability of conventional laboratories.
  • Sedimentation – this is an examination of red blood cells, which in the case of inflammatory proteins (fibrinogen) clump together and sink to the bottom of the tube faster. In chronic inflammation, sedimentation may be only slightly increased or within the limits of the norm.
  • Homocysteine – from the point of view of the classical professional public a controversial marker that rather responds to the lack of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 in the diet.
  • Ferritin – released from damaged cells and therefore its level rises during inflammation. However, this marker is rather used in routine examinations to monitor iron metabolism in anemia.
  • HDL – the fraction of cholesterol, which is mentioned as good cholesterol. However, with inflammation, it changes its structure and, on the contrary, becomes pro-inflammatory. Without a specialized examination, it is not possible to detect structural changes in the laboratory and assess whether it is a form OF AGAINST – inflammatory, or PRO – inflammatory
  • Glucose in the blood – again, this is a non-specific signal of inflammation. Blood glucose is monitored most often in connection with diabetes mellitus

As can be seen from the above, until chronic inflammation causes such a mess in the body that there are already significant organ changes that allow medical diagnosis, the patient struggles with his various problems from doctor to doctor and often begins to appear as a simulant not only to his surroundings, but also to himself.

How to start self-healing processes, relieve and dampen inflammation

In the first plan, these are lifestyle changes. Before you start swallowing all sorts of pills, whether pharmaceutical industry products or natural supplements (which are mostly also products of the pharmaceutical industry), do an audit of your diet.

Lifestyle audit

  • Sleep

Sleep is the main and most important means of relaxation, there is a synchronization of cells, tissue regeneration, correction of hormonal imbalance, maintenance of the proper functioning of the nervous system.

  • Diet

The body and all regeneration processes work with the substances that we supply through the diet. Pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory reactions can be greatly influenced by diet. A diet with plenty of vegetables and fruits, kitchen herbs, a reasonable supply of animal protein, a sufficient supply of healthy fats from fish, nuts and vegetable oils helps against inflammation, on the contrary, a diet with an abundance of industrially modified foods, refined sugars, burnt fats, sausages, excess meat and alcohol plays into the hands of inflammation.

  • Sport

Physical movement, which makes us happy, on a regular basis is the basic prevention against the development of chronic diseases.

  • Psychological well-being

The art of resting, not stressing, loving yourself are also very important stones on the way to health and overcoming inflammatory processes.

I discuss other ways to practically take care of my physical and mental well-being with the participants at my workshops focused on various areas of health functioning from a holistic perspective.

MUDr. Tereza Hodycová

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