Reflux and how to effectively treat it with physiotherapy

Reflux and how to effectively treat it with physiotherapy

Burning behind the sternum, acidity in the mouth, pain under the ribs, and sometimes pulmonary complications. These are all manifestations of the so-called gastroesophageal reflux (the term could be translated as “stomach esophagus”). These unpleasant conditions are caused by leakage of gastric juices back into the esophagus, which irritates by its acidic nature.

The incidence of this disease is increasing and for its frequency it is classified as a civilization disease. The usual method of treatment involves (in addition to dietary measures) long-term use of drugs that work on the principle of reducing the acidity of gastric juices (so-called proton pump inhibitors), which, however, can have unpleasant side effects. In extreme cases, the problem is solved operatively. Are these really the only ways to mitigate the effects of this diagnosis?

How can exercise help with reflux?

The so-called lower esophageal sphincter is responsible for keeping the contents of the stomach in the right place. This allows food to be freely transported to the stomach, but if it works properly, it does not let the digestion back (without preventing vomiting or burping). If its function is insufficient, undesirable leaks occur. The sphincter is partly made up of smooth muscle of the esophagus, partly of the muscle fibers of the diaphragm. And here is the potential for movement therapy. The function of the diaphragm is trainable. It all starts with improving posture. This is followed by diaphragmatic breathing training in connection with its involvement in the function of the deep stabilization system (the so-called “center of the body”). Part of physiotherapy is also an adjustment in the tension of the abdominal wall, which significantly affects the position and work of internal organs, including the stomach. Last but not least, it is important to think about the role of excessive stress, which generally has a significant impact on the function of the internal environment.

In this way, it is possible to significantly affect the symptoms of a life-threatening disease such as gastroesophageal reflux.

All our physiotherapists work with the diaphragm as a key part of the deep stabilization system. The involvement of the diaphragm is the main part of Prof. Kolář’s DNS method. To learn more about the problematic diaphragm, body center, and DNS method, read these articles:

Why is the DNS method so successful?

Breathe to a healthy spine

Center of the body, core, get to know each other! Can we really engage him?

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