PHYSIOTHERAPY Be Balanced Prague 6

Are you experiencing back or any other musculoskeletal pain?

Our outpatients’ clinic provides both complex diagnostics and follow-up treatment. An initial thorough comprehensive examination helps us to determine the source of pain and thus allows us to effectively treat a variety of conditions.

Methods employed at Be Balanced:

  • Our therapy principally involves the use of the DNS (Dynamic neuromuscular stabilisation) method according to Kolář which involves the developmental kinesiology approach. This method is based on the assumption that the continuous imbalance of the locomotive system is caused by the compromising of the stabilising function of the spine, which may lead to a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders such as decreased joint mobility, muscle overuse, spinal disc herniation or sports injuries.
    Employing this method we can restore correct muscle coordination even in cases of degenerative joint diseases, spinal disc herniation and spondylosis.
  • Myofascial techniques – effective therapy consisting mainly of spine, joint and rib mobilisation accompanied by gentle soft tissue techniques involving the full range of soft body tissues such as skin, muscles, fascia and tendons.
  • Vojta method – particularly effective in the treatment of both adults and children, this method assists in activating muscles and their subsequent functioning in cases where they do not form part of spontaneous motor activity.
  • Kinesiology-taping – using taping we can enhance the effectiveness of our therapy treatment and influence patient body-awareness.
  • In addition, we employ selected elements of other techniques including Senzomotor stimulation by Prof. Janda, the Ludmila Mojžíšová method, the Schroth method for treating scoliosis, the Klapp-method, the Bobath concept in child therapy, the McKenzie method, the Feldenkrais method and the Rolfing technique.

Why don´t we treat pain locally?

Simply because treating pain at its origin is simply much more effective. The actual source of pain is often located some distance from the place that hurts.


What kind of dyscomforts do we treat?

  • back pain of any kind (cervical, thoracic,lower back)
  • headache
  • chest or rib pain
  • joint diseases or pain, ligament pain
  • neurological diseases
  • treatment after injuries (e.g. sport injuries)

Specific difficulties and their treatment

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+420 607 225 006